Product Overview
Growing Up Country: A Demlow Family History
By: Carl Demlow
About the Book
Growing Up Country: A Demlow Family History is the result of fifteen years of research, travel to several states, and many hours of writing and rewriting. It began with the simple goal of providing our children and grandchildren with a short history of the Demlow family and, specifically, the author’s experiences on the family farm in the 1950s. But it didn’t end there: the book took on a life of its own as it grew to include the Moeller, Ganun, and Roekle families as well as historical tidbits from the 1880s to the present.
About the Author
Carl Demlow lives with his wonderful wife, Brenda, on their small farm near Coldwater, Michigan. He is now retired after forty years spent teaching mathematics and computer programming at the middle school, high school, and collegiate levels. Although he has kept a diary for sixty years, he never considered himself a writer. He has however always loved history. Growing up on the family farm in Palmyra Township presented many challenges to Mr. Demlow but also many opportunities. He is still connected to the rural life through gardening and caring for his small, wooded acreage. He and Brenda also do their best to stay connected to their children, Steven, Brian, Alan, and Kristen, and their grandchildren, Nicole, Cassie, and Nathan; Emily, Eli, and Benjamin; Lydia, Miriam, Elsa, Elena, and Clara; and Johnathan, and Julia. It is Mr. Demlow’s fervent wish that they all learn to love history and to be thankful for their family heritage.
(2021, hardback, 384 pages)