Harmony Theory: The Further Simultaneous Grand Unified Transformation Equations and Mathematical Theory of DNA - eBook

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Harmony Theory: The Further Simultaneous Grand Unified Transformation Equations and Mathematical Theory of DNA

By: Evan Olsen


About the Book

This book is time travel, faster than light entanglement fusion, and a new theory of DNA, cancer, and viruses. Evan Olsen presents proof that spacecrafts can travel faster than light, and the laser plasma method on how to do it. This is a solution to grand unified relativity quantum theory and chaos, a solution to uncertainty.

This is a continuation of harmony theory the grand unified transformations and the mathematical theory of dna. Its alpha a lorentz transform equal omega wind freq ratio on a torus equal delta the energy gap equal psi a mobius transform on omega equal epsilon the square root of the current density ratio for a superconductor equal del the inverse of rotation stability for fusion equal lambda the ratio of the frequncies for laser plasma equal phi the faster then light transform. This is the solution to uncertainty and entanglement the combination relativity chaos and quantum theory as well as dna a strange attractor with entangled pi bonds as a new theory on life and cancer and viruses. As well as a ship that can go FTL.

About the Author

Evan Olsen has completed a bachelors of science in physics and minor in math, as well as a second degree in neuropsychology and minor in biology.

Olsen enjoys martial arts, running, movies, video games, and cross country skiing. He is the eldest of two children and lives in Edmonton Alberta, Canada.


(2023, eBook)


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