History Girl - eBook

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Product Overview

History Girl

By: Lindsay Drayton

About the Book

This book was inspired by Lindsay Drayton’s love for history and watching 1990s’ time-travel shows. History Girl takes a twist on a modern history education and gives it a fun, scientific adventure. Follow a teenage girl with a big secret who moves to a small town and tries to fit in. So, even if you are not a huge fan of history, you may enjoy reading this book and learn that history can be fun when you put a little science fiction spin on it. You will be able to follow this high school girl’s history experiences mixed in with some humor. History Girl is meant to give you a new appreciation for history.


About the Author

Lindsay Drayton was born in Pocatello, Idaho, before moving to Tooele, Utah. She enjoys drawing and cooking and participates in her high school’s marching band playing bass clarinet.


(2019, eBook)


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