How Nixon Taught America to do the Kent State Mambo

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How Nixon Taught America to do the Kent State Mambo
by Jerry Fishman

What if all the mammal-like creatures in all the parallel universes (including our own UNI-VERSE) mix intelligence with waging war? In this fantasy history of the Kent State murders, a professor and a student have become an item. They are whisked off to another planet in a parallel universe where its inhabitants specialize in teaching mammalian creatures that in all mammals across the universes intelligence leads to war making. On their return to Earth, Elise and Henry are plunked into the Kent State Slaughter (a microwar). And it turns out Nixon orchestrated the killing. You will just love the agent provocateur, Jack, who rampages on campus and then calls Washington for instructions.

About the Author

Im a semi-retired community college English teacher living in the land of pagan dreams (Davis, California). Ive spent forty-three years teaching English. I have spent those years dusting off students mental furniture and teaching them to swim in their own, unique imaginariums. I have also done hospice volunteer work for quite a few years. I am studying Spanish with a private teacher and translating the novel Malinche by Esquivel.

I dabble in digital art (have had a few small shows), travel a lot, and take endless photographs. I just (gulp) violated my generation boundaries and bumped myself onto Facebook. I am a selectivehighly selectiverational conspiracy buff. Yes, there were horrendous explosions inside one of the Twin Towers before the airplane struck it! Conclusion? The U.S. Government is not pulling the gray curtains all the way aside to show us the truth. But other conspiracies like Big Foot are simply uncorroborated and downright silly.

I have been married for forty-nine years to my loving, energetic, gourmet cook, green thumb wife, Sylvia. We have two grown, married sons: Wendell and Darwin.

(2010, paperback, 142 pages)


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