How Ready Are You! Preschool

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ISBN: 978-0-8059-9674-6
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Product Overview

by Teresa Louise Seals In this book, designed to be enjoyed by both parents and guardians, Teresa Louise Seals presents illustrations and detailed information children three to six years old need to know for reading readiness; this includes work with sight words and the ability to utilize sounds. For parents and guardians, the learning skill materials she has chosen offer early guidelines to becoming the childs first, and most important, teacher. Once these skills are mastered, the child will have the foundations for higher-level thinking skills as well as an excellent start to his or her journey into learning. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Teresa Louise Seals worked for AT&T in computer software programming. After twelve years, she left corporate America to take a position with the Chicago Board of Education working with children. Illness interrupted her teaching career, but her mind cannot cease from thinking about ways to continue her dream. She believes academic scores are below grade-level expectations for two reasons: First, parents and guardians are not working with children early enough before they enter school and not following up on their work once they are in school. Second, administrators are interfering with the teachers daily structured lessons excessively and to their detriment. (2005, paperback, 26 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


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