I, Telepath - ebook

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Product Overview

I, Telepath

By: M. E. Miller


About the Book

I, Telepath mixes science facts and science fiction. Medical science states that the process of thought is an electrochemical reaction in our brains. When the brain suffers a hit by lightning, the dying neurons release neurotransmitters. These dying neurons begin to rewire themselves, giving access to areas in the brain that were previously inaccessible. In this book, a man suffers a traumatic injury, survives, and begins a new life he couldn’t have imagined. As he adjusts to this new life, there are new dangers he must face and only one person he must learn to trust.



About the Author

M. E. Miller was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, and graduated back in 1972 from Omaha South High School. He enlisted in the United States Army as a helicopter repairman. After an honorable discharge, he went to California to work with his father, who owned several scuba diving stores. Mr. Miller also spent time in the Private Security business. Today he is retired and resides in Santa Maria, California, with his father. His hobbies include scuba diving, dominos, darts, and cowboy reenactments. He has been a fan of science fiction for years.


(2022, eBook, 30 pages)


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