Kool Keyboarding Time: Student Workbook with Nitro Type - eBook

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Product Overview

Kool Keyboarding Time: Student Workbook with Nitro Type

By: Wendy Todoric


About the Book


This simple and kid-friendly workbook will supplement any keyboarding or computer classroom, and it’s perfect for all ages! You can now track a student’s words per minute (WPM) throughout the semester or entire year. Nitrotype even has a user-friendly teacher system, where you can import your Google Classroom directly into the Teacher Portal for student reports. You can see when each student logged in, how many races they completed, and more! Sign up today at www.nitrotype.com and use this workbook to help you!


About the Author


Author Wendy Todoric has a lifelong passion of teaching. At her first teaching job, she was thrown in a classroom in the Bronx with no computers as a computer teacher. She drew keyboards and tried different ways to get her students to memorize the keys on the keyboard. Typing was always a challenge for her as a teacher and for her students. The textbooks were boring, and even the curriculum. In 2018 a student introduced her to the website, Nitrotype, and Ms. Todoric fell in love! She realized the students LOVED this website, and it helped them with their typing! She even became better as a typist and as a teacher with her Nitrotype Challenges! She challenged students to compete for big prizes like laptops, tablets, and gaming systems, even the PlayStation 5!


(2021, eBook)


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