Look the Other Way - eBook

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Product Overview

Look the Other Way 

By: Michael Joshua

About the Book

Look the Other Way is a passion project between native Michigan screenwriters Michael Mohan Joshua and Patrick Foley over a three-month period in 2003. Over the years, Joshua has kept editing the story into what it is today, a snapshot of modern society. Daily news of sexual assault is prevalent throughout society. No longer can we as a global community look the other way. Through education and communication, citizens can change the norms of “bad behavior.”


About the Author

Michael Mohan Joshua has written several other works of fiction and poetry including:

Life of a Photographer, a novella

Walking and Thinking in Manhattan, a book of poems

Rambling and Other Thoughts: A Collection of Modern Poetry

With Nobody, Joshua’s debut screenplay which was produced into a feature film

Joshua is greatly influenced by Jack Keroac, Allen Ginsberg, and the entire beat generation. He has tried to live by the spirits of the beats!

Joshua is planning to direct this screenplay into a motion picture soon.


(2018, eBook)


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