Looking Back at Cerro Gordo

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Looking Back at Cerro Gordo
by Robert Likes

This is a story of a generation that sought its own self-identity in a world that suddenly became more complicated with an uncertain future and values. This epic journey was staged on desert mountains, on steamboats carrying silver bullion across a desert lake, and on a freighting trail that traversed 200 miles of inhospitable desert.

Looking back, we can understand why these pioneers lived every day like tomorrow might never come and why their colorful lives became the legends and folklore that represent the Wild West. The people that opened then tamed the West sired a society strong enough to overcome brutal challenges, making their country one of the strongest on earth.

About the Author

Robert C. Likes was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1932, and moved to Northern Kentucky at the age of three. He graduated and married his high school sweetheart in 1951 and served in the U.S.A.F. Strategic Air Command from 1951-55. He then attended the Central Academy of Commercial Art and Ohio Mechanical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, before moving his young family to the San Fernando Valley, California in 1961. There, Likes attended Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California, at night, studying engineering in the 1960s.

He was a contributing author for Desert Magazine from 1969-71 and co-authored the book From This Mountain-Cerro Gordo, published in 1975.

Likes was introduced to Californias gold mining history during his employment at North American Rockwell in Canoga Park, California, where he joined that companys Ghost Town Club. He was the field trip chairman and cartographer for several years before becoming the club president.

In 1991, the Likes family moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where he now has time to pursue interests such as photography, classic cars, and oil painting. He finished Looking Back at Cerro Gerdo, a revision of From This Mountain - Cerro Gordo, with pictures and data that were unavailable in 1975. In addition, he penned A Curious Thing, a book on American automobile hood ornaments.

(2010, paperback, 190 pages)


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