Looking For God

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Looking For God
by Vivan Passion Wardell

These poems are a reflection of author Vivan Passion Wardells journey in life. This collection of spiritual lyrics highlights the past and ongoing challenges she faces as a God-fearing African American woman in a society where God is not always accepted. In other words, her poetry illustrations the tension between the morality imposed by man and commitment to her Heavenly Father. As Vivan continues her journey, these poems are conversations with her Heavenly Father as He guides her back into His arms, under the cover of the Holy Trinity. In Looking for God, Vivan is searching and praying to find God: as opaque visions flood her mind, a paradigm of her life, suspended in time, she stops spinning and she finds God: deep within her heart, soul, and mind.

About the Author

Vivan Passion Wardell was born in Hagerstown, Maryland. Her early childhood was spent in Texas and her formative years in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. After her graduation from high school, she enlisted in the U.S. Army. Upon her separation from the military with an honorable discharge she began work in various positions. Her most recent employment is with a major health care provider. Vivan now resides in northern California with her son.

She is a devoted Christian, mother, and writer. Her quest for spiritual knowledge and biblical understanding has motivated her to pursue degrees in Religious Studies and Theology. Her past motivates her goal to build a model sisterhood of unity for abused, addicted, alone, and oppressed women. This is where she hopes to implement change with Gods guidance in her community. Her church activities include services on the usher board, finance and welcome committees, and community outreach programs.

(2014, Paperback, 50 pages)


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