My Life Story: The Way it Wus -eBook

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Product Overview

My Life Story

By: Pastor Julia Easley-Dunn

About the Book

My Life Story contains most of Pastor Julia Dunn’s life story, starting from a newborn baby until 2021. You will read about the many miracles that God unfolded in her life, how she endured surviving from living from pillow-to-post, overcame sickness that was detrimental from a month’s stay in the hospital, and, moving from one apartment to another, survived the rejection of most of her immediate family members. Her story will provide encouragement as you read some of the many stories of how she never lost sight or gave up on God and provide insight into who Pastor Dunn is and who she represents without hearsay or meeting her in person. The Reader will see how endurance paid off for her, not giving up. God brought her from living from day to day, from check to check to becoming a millionaire.

About the Author

Pastor Julia Easley-Dunn accepted the Lord at an early age and responded to God's call and has been preaching the Gospel for more than thirty years. She is the founder and pastor of The Seek Ye First Tabernacle International Inc, and the executive director of The Seek Ye First Ministry For All People Inc. She uses her God-given talent to give back to the community. Pastor Easley-Dunn is an outstanding minister and is known for her powerful preaching that has delivered, blessed, and set free many souls across this country. Her ministry reaches women and men’s lives, experiencing low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and insecurity. Many service recipients are the downtrodden and the oppressed, the misused and the abused, the neglected and the forgotten, the weak, and the vulnerable members of society. 


In her family life, Pastor Easley-Dunn is the last child of fourteen children, the wife of Minister James Dunn, mother of one son, Minister El-Harsh Easley, and grandmother of Minister El-Harsh J. Easley Jr. She is a singer, songwriter, actress, and recording artist, her latest single being “Rain on Me.”

 (2021, eBook)                                                                                                                                                                                                


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