Product Overview
Oh God: The Journey
By: Michael Herman
About the Book
Have you ever really thought about whether GOD exists? Most of us have grown up with a belief in a specific religion, usually that of our parents. If you follow a religion or belief system that promotes an afterlife, then it probably is based on the existence of GOD. Your belief system is the very basic foundation of your life. All of us will die at some point, and we will make this passage alone; no one can stand in for us. Therefore, you should take the Journey to determine for yourself if GOD exists. You need to be totally honest with yourself about GOD and what you believe in your soul. This decision is too important to leave for others to make for you. Oh God: The Journey will take you along author Michael Herman’s Journey to find GOD; hopefully, it will be helpful in encouraging you to take your own Journey to find GOD.
About the Author
Michael Herman is probably your typical father figure in an American family with children. A civil engineer by education (BSCE-Michigan Tech and MSCE-Purdue University), he was raised in the Baptist religion and currently is a member of the United Methodist Church. He spent his working life as the city manager in three Michigan cities. He claims no specific expertise in the areas of religion, science, or philosophy. His Journey to find GOD is based on his personal concerns and curiosity about why mankind is here and what is mankind’s purpose. He believes it is important for every human being to have the opportunity to take their Journey to find GOD. He lives in Hudsonville, Michigan, and is married to Mary Melissa Herman, and they have three grown children and eight grandchildren.
(2021, Paperback, 78 Pages)