Poetry of the Deep

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Poetry of the Deep
by R.M. Hanson

Poetry of the Deep is a book of poems and short stories. Many poems describe thoughts and ideas about the world around us. Nature is a major theme in this book.

Poetry of the Deep deals with the dream world as well as the physical world. Some of the darkest aspects of the human mind are revealed in this book. Nightmares and monsters are described as well.

There are romantic poems and short stories in this book too. Some of them are bittersweet; some of them deal with love lost. This book deals with many different issues. There is something for everyone within its pages.

About the Author

R.M. Hanson was born and raised in North Dakota. She enjoys singing, dancing, and playing the piano. Her hobbies include crocheting, embroidery, and reading. However, her biggest passion of all is writing.

(2009, paperback, 90 pages)


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