Reflections of a Virgin Poet

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Reflections of a Virgin Poet
by Christie Matalka

The range of Reflections of a Virgin Poet is uniquely refreshing because we fly on a magic carpet from legends and myths to serious themes. Playful, vivid, and powerful feminine archetypes are woven into this tapestry. Matalka uses colorful imagery to describe the multicultural female condition in this essential collection. With intuitive insight, we see how societies force the subjugation and oppression of the weaker sex. Lacing together feminist thought, she draws a parallel between the life cycle of women and the historical pressures to conform that have metamorphosed. Readers will be inspired by these fanciful, whimsical, and delightful poems. This heart-wrenching and insightful work delves into fears of abandonment, homelessness, mental illness, aging, and death. Reflections of a Virgin Poet shoots an arrow through the hearts of enchanted travelers.

About the Author

Christie Matalka was born in Pittsburgh, PA. She moved to Long Beach, CA, in 1982. The writer has a bachelors degree in psychology. For ten years she tutored disabled and multicultural students. Her work experience has been with children, the developmentally disabled, mentally ill, and elderly.

The author is an incessant reader. She enjoys swimming, dancing, racquetball, and hiking. This nature lover likes to go to the beach and mountains. The woman favors museums, art galleries, ballet, music, movies, and theatrical musicals. Christie loves to create homemade artwork and jewelry. She also has culinary and home decoration skills. The poet has lived a quiet life with her husband in San Diego, CA, since 1997.

(2012, paperback, 36 pages)


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