Product Overview
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by Thomas Kruger
I reside on Webster Lake in northern Indiana. I grew up here, fishing, hunting, and trapping in this outdoor paradise.
I graduated from North Webster High School in 1955. There were twenty-three in our class, and eight have passed on. One of those who has passed on was Donnie Heche, the father of Anne Heche, the famous movie star.
I married a sweet, wonderful Syracuse, Indiana, woman in 1956, and we were blessed with five beautiful daughters. I worked at Silgan Plastics (formerly Monsanto) for thirty-nine years and retired in 1999 (this factory is in Ligonier, Indiana).
Shortly after we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, my wife suffered a stroke. It left her paralyzed on the right side and took away her speech.
In the beginning of 1977, I gave my heart to the Lord and the poetic verses immediately began to flow. This was Gods gift to me, and this book is the fulfillment of thirty-two years of inspired writing of Christian poems, outdoor poems, goofy poems, and others.
(2010, hardcover, 544 pages)