The Diary of An Ex…Memoirs of My Deepest Thoughts

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The Diary of An ExMemoirs of My Deepest Thoughts
by Raelle Hennessey

The Diary of An Ex Memoirs of My Deepest Thoughts is a story of realization, downfalls, and triumphs. Raelle did all that she could to overcome the boundaries of emotional and physical abuse. Once finding herself out of the dark and emerging into the light, her words became her comfort more than she ever could have imagined.

The comfort and familiarity she found in words in past years, would heal her heart and soul. And thus you see before you Raelle Hennessey. A star is born.

About the Author

Raelle Hennessey was born on April 24, 1980, as a New York native. The gifted writer has over eighteen years of writing experience beneath her belt. Raelle first realized her talent for writing around 1994, at the tender age of fourteen. She first began writing poetry, and song lyrics quickly followed.

Writing has always been a talent for Raelle; she indulges in writing passionately. Since writing is Raelles only solitude, it has always filled her with hope.

Growing up with little to no resources, finding her voice was vital. Finally, in the fall of 2009, Raelle stumbled upon Dorrance Publishing, where she has now found her home, where she intends to dwell permanently.

In the future, please look for other publicized work by Raelle Hennessey, including Introducing RaelleMy Alter Ego.

(2011, paperback, 60 pages)


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