The Legend of Truebold: Tales of the Ancient Rabbit - eBook

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Product Overview

The Legend of Truebold: Tales of the Ancient Rabbit

By: G. Davis Dean, Jr.

About the Book

In many ways, Quest was just an average rabbit who desired to be more than just average. With a love for life and adventure and a vision for himself and his rabbit community, he became Truebold. He was first a leader, and over time became a living legend among the creatures of the forest and field. Yet everything comes with a price. For Truebold, everything he won and earned in life, he loses with advancing age. He outlives every other rabbit that he has ever known from happier days. Finally he must reconcile his past with his present, even as he sees his own death approaching.

                Meet the cast of characters that make Truebold’s story truly memorable: His faithful friends and side-kicks Bucky and Happy; his first great love Daffodil; his great rival Rocky; and the tragic, lame Milkweed. Together they weave a story that blends a certain realism with a sense of romanticism, where ideals can thrive against a backdrop of even the worst danger and hardship.


About the Author

G. Davis Dean, Jr. was born in Miami, Florida, in 1959. He has lived most of his adult life in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which he calls home. Better known for his two main non-fiction works on the Christian faith, this is his first full-length work of fiction.


(2021, eBook)


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