The Long Way Home: Recollections of a War Bride' by Agnes E. Pfleuger - eBook

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Product Overview

The Long Way Home: Recollections of a War Bride' by Agnes E. Pfleuger

By: John Fedyszyn


The Long Way Home is a book about a young London girl, who, in the middle of a world war, fell in love and married a US serviceman who was serving in London. The two can only meet while off duty and their marriage lasts a couple of hours before each has to part and report back to their duty stations. Both have no idea when they will meet again.  

The Long Way Home is a war brides story, which tells the long wait this young girl had to endure and the requirements the US had placed on these war brides before they could finally board a US converted troop ship to reunite with their loved one in the US.

About the Author

John Fedyszyn is a US Marine Vietnam veteran who served in Vietnam as a forward observer radioman. After his tour of duty, he came home in 1969 and witnessed a divided country that titled them baby killers, and they were spat on and had bags full of blood tossed at them while reentering their country. 

So many military stories were left unsaid, which left Fedyszyn dedicated to tell as many military stories as he could to honor our heroes. While doing over 150 weekly stories honoring veterans who were printed in his local newspaper, he had the honor to tell this story about a young English girl who had fallen in love with an American GI right in the middle of a world war. 

Fedyszyn feels we all are responsible to tell that story about their veterans and people who had done their duty and served. He now dedicates his time helping veterans get their records and awards they have earned.


(2024, eBook)


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