The Love Book of Poems, Books I-II

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ISBN: 978-0-8059-8998-4
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Product Overview

by Carlos Miller Love and relationships. Out of these two heartfelt emotions, The Love Book of Poems was created. This collection is just like a good love song that can never be sung if it werent for the love of a woman or man, for the heart has so many emotions running through it. When two people are in tune with each other, things can be wonderful. This book tells a story about falling in love, the ups and downs, the loneliness of breaking up, getting back together, and moving on. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Carlos Miller was born in South Bend, Indiana, on December 24, 1957. He and his family moved to Niles, Michigan, where he went to school until the second half of his senior year. He then moved to Clarkston, Georgia, where he finished high school. He became a painter, working commercially and residentially. He also has a U.S. patent, The Handy Man Ladder Tree Stand. He also writes music. His mother is Vera Stokes, and his father is Bob Miller. His mother lives in Decatur, Georgia, and his fathers whereabouts are unknown. Carlos was featured in his hometown newspaper, The Niles Daily Star, on July 26, 2001. (2007, paperback, 92 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


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