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by Justine Pea

There are no deep philosophical teachings, no profound statements, no earth-shaking revelations here, just my thoughts.

Though poetry has always been a part of my life, and I have written some in the past, I lay no claim to being a poet.

The events of September 11, 2001, and its aftermath, awakened in me, once again, the desire to put pen to paper.

Hopefully, the thoughts presented here will cause you to smile, laugh, ponder, or even inspire you to jot down your own thoughts and share them with others.

About the Author

Justine E. Pea has lived in Michigan most of her life. Illinois, specifically Chicago, became her home while working on her bachelor of arts degree at DePaul University and teaching on the citys South Side.

Middle School and the adult ESL classes were her field of activity until her retirement in 1992. Retirement has given her time to jot down her thoughts and share them with family and friends.

Presently, Warren, Michigan, is home to Justine and her husband, Carlos. In addition to writing, the couple travels as much as possible, with New Zealand and Australia on the horizon.

(2006, paperback, 114 pages)


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