Product Overview
Traces on the Water Mirror: Volume III, Dying to Get Rid of Communism
By: Captain C
About the Book
More quickly than we could imagine, Captain C finished an epic trilogy of about one thousand and six hundred pages inspired by navigators’ life. It is a test of endurance that is not common to everyone. This Dobrujan Joseph Conrad’s merit is more important as readers are not bored with the novel. The author feeds skillfully the thriller plot, suspense, the turns of the secret services, heroes with multiple identities, the erotic plays where characters show their abilities, so readers wait with bated breath the end. The end is carefully prepared, and it comes in the right moment, emphasizing people’s nature and finally punishing wretches, who sneaked in the society forefront. Traces on the Water Mirror that reached the final shore is a thrilling story about a world that we are already familiar with, the Romanian divided and hurried society, full of hate, in the last decades; Captain C tore the society’s painted veil and reveal its dramatic truth.
Literary Critic Ioan Adam
This last volume of the trilogy Traces on the Water Mirror continues the series of adventures from the previous volumes, in an overflowing manner. Dramatism, condensed atmosphere, suspense, plot carefully conducted, impressive and unpredictable scenes, alter style give to the book the nature of a high-quality thriller and adventure book. The main characters, Cristian Răuţă and Ionela Marinescu, members of the crew of the ship Padova, renamed Pandora, together with other new characters continue their travel by land, in the years after the Romanian Revolution, until present, crossing Morocco, Spain, France, Algeria, England and Switzerland, searching for the truth and in order to take apart lies, based on which some people had created an empire. Therefore, author’s project is fulfilled, and its novel becomes a benchmark in the literature written by sea professionals.
Novelist Ovidiu Dunăreanu
About the Author
Captain C was born in Dobrogea, Romania. He graduated Maritime Academy and set sail as a deck officer, chef mate, and mastered seafaring vessels. He is an honorary member of the Romanian Shipmasters Association and member of the Romanian Writers Union.
(2020, eBook)