Product Overview
by Terrence W. McGannon The title of this book is like the title of my life. It is ever changing. This book is like my life, moving like a prism that never the shows the same thing twice. It shows all of my feelings, thoughts, and adventures. Just taking a walk out in the woods helps my head get together. Im sure when you, the reader, let yourself go, you will connect with what I have written in one way or another. Some of it may seem out of the ordinary, which is why it is written that way. It is not written to offend or pretend, but I actually try to deal with the strange things that happen in my life. Please enjoy. ABOUT THE AUTHOR I was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, on June 7, 1950. I spent twenty years in the U.S. Coast Guard after I graduated from Redondo Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, in 1968. I retired an E-7, which is a chief damage control man. I spent a lot of time at sea and saw most of the world. I married my childhood sweetheart, Jackie, on October 14, 1972. We have been married thirty-five years and have four beautiful children: Michelle, Misty, Jason, and Thomas. We live in Hesperia, CA and have been here since 1991. I am also a cabinet maker, welder, auto mechanic, and carpenter. But of all these things, poetry is my passion. All of my talents have been given to me from the Lord above. My only wish is the people who read these poems will in some way connect with the prisms of my life. There will be more poems to follow. From 1968 to now, I have probably three hundred or more poems to share with you, the reader. I also have poems on (2008, paperback, 56 pages) Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.