Product Overview
Unlock the Presence of Positive Thoughts
By: Mehkan Mehedi
About the Book
Unlock the Presence of Positive Thoughts is an inspirational book, written by Mehkan Mehedi. This book deliberately works on serving a different outlook to the world. Thinking positive, conveying subtle responses towards any situation is what the book wills to survey. Mehedi carries out each chapter to ensure each expression is covered thoroughly so we may use what we learn daily.
Readers of all kinds will benefit from the lessons learned within these pages to bring about positive thoughts in their own lives.
About the Author
Mehkan Mehedi was born in Bangladesh in 2002. She is currently a student while stepping into different paths for exploring herself. Mehedi is a carefree writer. She wills to bring refinement in people’s thinking as she believes that every person has an opportunity to create their better versions by getting to know themselves more in order to redeem their scope of nourishing from within.
Mehegi started writing at a very young age. She finds her interests in photography and art. Debating has been an innate talent in her. She had gotten the opportunity to showcase her talents in every field she has found compelling.
(2021, eBook)