WESTPAC: A Sailor's Story - eBook

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Product Overview

WESTPAC: A Sailor's Story

By: Joe Brulotte


About the Book

After 47 years of service, the veteran aircraft carrier USS Midway is now permanently moored as a museum in San Diego, California. Just a few yards from the ship stands the Kissing Sailor statue. If he had been a former enlisted Midway sailor, he would have probably kissed a girl in every port.

While countless books tell the stories of high-ranking naval officers, such as Captain John Paul Jones, Admiral David Farragut, and Admiral Chester Nimitz, this book tells the story of the Navy as seen through the eyes of an enlisted sailor who served on the Midway during the Cold War. Armed with a swab and a bucket, he bumbled and stumbled his way on the ship in search of knowledge and adventure on the high seas and lands of the Far East, with the hopes that he wouldn’t fall overboard before he got to the next exciting port.

About the Author

Joe Brulotte served as an Aerographer’s Mate on the USS Midway (CV-41) for two years. He began the study of weather at the age of 15, worked as a weather specialist in the U.S. Navy for eight years, and has continued the study of meteorology and weather over the past fifty years. He holds a degree in science and mathematics, as well as a Master’s Degree in U.S. Military History.


(2024, eBook)


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