Product Overview
All you need every day of your life!
By: Tracey Craig
About the Book/Author
Tracey E. Craig is a Wellness/Life Coach and Personal Trainer. Tracey has inspired and motivated people of all ages to live a healthy lifestyle: physically, emotionally and spiritually. She has years of experience, not only helping others, but helping herself. Tracey shares her ups and downs and how she achieves all her dreams and goals, God willing. She shares her actual journal entries throughout her life and testimonials from people of all ages.
This book gives you a look into how you can change your daily practices, so whatever has been holding you back, Tracey will walk through it. So you too can and will be the best version of you that you were meant to be. You will live a life of being excited to wake up and live with peace, joy and purpose.
“Patience is Powerful, Truth is a Treasure and Faith is Fearless,” says Tracey. Her mission is to motivate, inspire and educate all that reaches out to her so not one person ever feels lost or alone.
(2019, eBook)