I Get My Best Ideas by Not Thinking - eBook

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Product Overview

I Get My Best Ideas by Not Thinking

By: James A. Fulton


About the Book

I Get My Best Ideas by Not Thinking is inspired by James A. Fulton’s love of art, tradition, history, satire, and the absurd. Jim’s poetry is suited to readers of all ages – and is intended to enlighten no one.  

About the Author

James A. Fulton made his living as a trial lawyer for more than 42 years. He and his schoolteacher wife, Pam, raised twin sons, and in 2019 decided to retire and move to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where they now reside.

Now, in retirement, James works as a hospice volunteer, serves on a pastoral care team in the Episcopal Church, and writes poetry in his spare time.


(2023, eBook)


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