Product Overview
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by Rashawn Johnson
Prayers & Poetry is from God. It is a biblically based book designed to inspire, motivate and lead you into intimacy with God. You will learn how to go deeper and have more fulfilling prayers. You will also learn how to break strongholds. Prayers & Poetry is an excellent tool for inspiration and motivation. You will receive practical tips to increase your consistency.
About the Author
Author Rashawn Johnson was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. His stepfather taught him some things about the Bible. Johnson began to learn more about the Bible throughout the years and how to submit himself to God and resist the devil. His love for God would eventually lead him to Acts 2:38 and he was born again from water and spirit. His prayer life didnt begin until after he fulfilled his calling to get re-baptized in the name of Jesus.
Johnsons prayer life began one night, as he was half-asleep. He heard a voice. It was the sound of many waters. In this book, Johnson talks about how God gave him his gift and how he surrendered himself to God.
Today, Johnson continues on writing. He possesses the necessary biblical knowledge from God to write prayers and poetry. He has an intimacy with God and a calling on his life. This book is a must for believers and non-believers.
Johnson likes camping, writing and worship music.
(2013, Paperback, 30 pages)